Monday, May 24, 2004

About Trackbacks Assalamualaikum and good morning.. this is an email from tiger - he/she had helped me for using the trackbacks , since I was keep going testing , and use the HALOSCAN.. check it out !! _________________________________________ I am unsure with what it is that you need assistance. My log shows I have gotten two trackbacks, one which went to the tickle site: and one that went to a Haloscan box on your blog: I use the Moveable Type blogging software and am a part of the Munu group. You can check us out at Munuviana, the URL which is Moveable Type, which is commonly referred to as MT originated trackbacking so as to alert people using MY powered blogs that people were linking back to their posts. The blogging world loved it and most people started using MT so as to be able to trackback and see who was trackbacking to themselves. Kevin Aylward of Wizbang created a standalone trackbacker so as to allow people with non-MT blogs to be able to trackback to MT blogs, and then other blogging software programs and other providers of things bloggers use, like Haloscan, got into the picture. Almost all bloggers started out on Blogger and Blog*spot ... those who seriously blog, after awhile, find there are too many problems with Blogger and move on to other places. Of course, like everything else, things change. MT is losing people because they decided to start charging for the use of their software instead of giving it away free and asking people who used it to donate to them for a few advanced features. The benefactor of Munuvia is a guy named Pixy Misa who is attempting to develop a blogging software program himself for our future use. You have already done more than a lot of people on Blog*spot have done, by having a nicer template than blogger provides and have plugged in a lot of the extra bells and whistles you can find here and there. I am just not familiar enough with Haloscan's trackbacking capabilities to understand exactly how you go about tracking back using it. You might try seeking the assistance of some blog*spotter who is using such to trackback on their blog. Tiger

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